Self-Development: From Frustration to Curiosity, Human Connection and Forward Movement

E Nan
In our first newsletter we share thoughts about frustration, liberation, meaningful human connections, curiosity and forward motion.

Hello friend,

Six months ago we launched satotea. It had been in the making for almost all 2023. The initial idea reaches back many years more to when we were still living in Berlin. Our first baby steps with satotea were basically a steep learning curve around different social media platforms. We focused on metrics like follower count and engagement which lead to massive frustration. We tried out different types of content but nothing seemed to work. We tried to fit into the existing tea community when we actually want to disrupt and bring change.

Our logic didn't add up: We arguably have some of the purest teas of highest quality, very fair pricing - so why is no one buying? On top of that another setback came our way: Our friends & partners decided to leave the project. Not only was that psychologically challenging but it forced us to restructure the whole concept, since satotea was initially built around the idea of serving the European market from a warehouse in Germany (which our friends were in charge of). Shao and I decided to take it as an opportunity and switched to an attitude of defiance. Interestingly a feeling of liberation set in quite quickly. We have started to connect with people from all over the world instead of limiting ourselves geographically. We also have shifted towards expressing what we really want to say versus what we should say for growing on social media.

Some of our small but meaningful milestones over the last few months: Certainly our satotea podcast experiment with Kevin (@gentlepathwalker), Neldon (@teawithneldon) and Cody (@theoolongdrunk). Our tea then made it to Singapore to Hadayala (@adatewithtea) who was gifted by us. The interesting part is the personal handover through a "courier" who had been a guest in our tea room earlier. Over time, Shao and I deepened our friendship with Treeman (@wild_teamaster_cho), an extraordinary character and exceptional tea master. A documentary about him is in the making. Additionally we have become part of Megan's (@templeofthegoldenswan) journey of building a tea room and hosting ceremonies around Vancouver, Canada. And then there is Agha (@fluffies.and.tea) whom we connected with intuitively through our friend Treeman. She organises the Prague Tea Festival and has a truly kind heart. We don't know much about each other yet but there's a strong feeling that great movement can be developed. Time will tell..

Each encounter has helped us to understand one important thing: It is not our follower count that matters but the little connections we build and grow. Caring for someone; someone who is oftentimes a stranger.

There's a lot of curiosity in people. However we form habits, stick with them out of convenience and sometimes because we shy away from the risk of trying something new. Naturally common questions arise: Can I trust you? Will the experience be worth my time and money? Will they keep their promise? It's a constant battle between curiosity and risk or rather fear. April was the first month since moving to Taiwan three years ago in which we generated enough income to cover our basic cost of living. We decided to utilize this forward momentum by sharing it with you. In order to close the gap between curiosity and fear we would like to give out a few tea samples free of charge. This is of course very limited, so please don't be disappointed if we can't serve you. You don't have to leave a comment, you don't have to tag your friends, you don't have to sign up anywhere. There is no catch.

We are sure that these words find the right people; intended for those who are searching, willing to leave their comfort zone, embracing change, wanting to walk their own path. If Shao and I can be that initial spark to set you in motion or propel you forward, we would have reached our goal. In case you feel addressed, reach out to us, lets connect and have a conversation. We really want to see you try our tea and embark on a journey to wherever you want to be in life.

Much Love.

Shao & Enan
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