Journey of a Wandering Mind | a documentation of our 11-day, 6.000 km tea road trip through Europe

E Nan
Journey of a Wandering Mind | a documentation of our 11-day, 6.000 km tea road trip through Europe

Our Tea Road Trip

In summer 2024 we got back to Germany to visit family. During our stay we more or less spontaneously decided to run a little tea tour. We loaded up our car with as much tea and teaware as we could pack and hit the road. Our idea was to introduce naturally and wild farmed loose leaf teas from Taiwan as alternative to conventionally farmed and mass produced tea. To support our message, we premiered our short documentary "becoming TREEMAN" during the road show. Further, we wanted to hold our tea sessions in traditional gong-fu style embedded in a meditation setting. Our "little tea tour" eventually turned into a 6.000 km journey that took us to Prague, Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn. We also passed through Poland and then Finland, Sweden and Denmark on our way back to Germany.

In our film "Journey of a Wandering Mind" we captured some of the moments that took place during these 11 days. It is our THANK YOU for you showing up and giving us some of your precious time.

A special thank you to Agha, Paulius & Lina, Katyusha & Vitali, Giedre, Katrina, Raimonds & Jana, Gundega and Jaanus for helping us to pull this off.

About the Short Film

"Journey of a Wandering Mind" is a short story about the transition from unrest to acceptance. Many of us carry a feeling of being unsettled. We are looking for harmony and stillness to offset this condition. However, in order to get there, we have to leave our comfort zone. Medicine oftentimes has a bitter taste, so we experience peak discomfort when truly facing ourselves and the reason behind our imbalances.

And then, as we lift up the tea cup, we feel the warmth, we inhale the fragrant scent, we take a sip: Relief. Silence. Finally.

But this sensation is short lived. The chatter returns quickly. Worries, anxiety or just random thoughts fill the void in no time.

What is the true realization then? We leave that up to you.
